Kimberley Kasper Health, Wellness, Fitness

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It's Sample Workout Week!

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that this past week I’ve been sharing sample workouts designed to showcase what you can expect as part of the online fitness groups for which I coach. Quick and effective, these workouts are designed to accelerate results to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.

UPDATE 7/27/2020

So many of you are enjoying my sample workout week that I’ve been adding new workouts to the blog focusing on core muscle groups. There is a full body workout; and one for back, shoulders and arms. I will be adding to these weekly so check back to see more! And if you’re looking for something specific, leave a comment below and I will look to add a workout specific to your request.

Monday: Tabata

On Monday we focus on Tabata hit workouts combined with a low-carb diet to deplete those glycogen stores and accelerate fat burning. For this workout, you'll do 20 seconds on, rest for 10 seconds, and then move to the next exercise. Do all then start over again and repeat for a total of four circuits.

Tuesday: Sprints

On Tuesday's we sprint! Whether you are outside or in, let's get those sprints in today! I do mine on my Peloton and it's a quick and effective way to get that workout in. I will repeat this workout twice (for a total of 20 minutes). Don't have a bike? Run outside! Jump rope! Skip! Anything that will get that heart rate up!

Wednesday: Full Body Strength Training

today the ladies in my FASTer Way to Fat Loss groups are enjoying a full body workout (and will eat to all of their macro goals). This means that if they are working out at home, their workout likely will include the moves listed here. Do four sets of 12 each before moving on and finish up with 15 minutes of low-intensity cardio. The whole thing will take about 45 minutes - get in, get done, and get on with your day!

Thursday: Back, Arms, and Abs Strength Training

It's the second most important workout of the week - back, arms, and abs! Here is my sample workout that targets those areas. No arm wiggle for anyone this summer! Do three sets of 13 each and wrap it up with some mountain climbers and planks. Build those strong arms!

Friday: Rest

Rest. If you're wanting to lose fat, your body NEEDS to rest. As you can see here, nutrition is the most important aspect - focusing on those whole foods and eating enough of each macronutrient. But rest is the next most important aspect. If you aren't prioritizing quality rest and sleep to allow your body to recover, you simply won't lose fat. And it really is as simple as that.

Saturday: Leg Strength Training

It’s the MOST important workout day of the week - leg day! For this sample workout, do four reps of 12 for each move and then wrap it up with either 15 minutes of low-intensity cardio (think brisk walk) or some finishers like planks and jump squats (1 minute of each).

Sunday: Rest

On Sunday’s we rest. Today get a hike in, do some yoga, ride your bike, do something that will elevate your heart rate a bit but don’t go overboard. I like to take a great hike on my rest days. 5 miles through the neighborhood with a good friend is both good for your body and your soul.

If you’re interested in learning more about my online bootcamps, let me know in the comments below. Feel free to share your favorite moves or your favorite thing to do on your rest day!