Cardio Boost: Jump Rope

If you’re looking to take your cardio workouts to the next level, try incorporating jump rope. Seriously? Yes. A recent study found that skipping rope for only 10 minutes was comparable to jogging for 30 and that it’s one of the most effective forms of cardio around. Skipping rope requires you to engage your core, use both your leg and arm muscles, and gives you an incredible full body workout with heart healthy benefits.

If you haven’t jumped rope since you were a child on the playground, never fear, it’s as simple as riding a bike. Unlike your school yard days, grown up jump rope is not slow. Instead you’re skipping quickly. And the jump rope is a little different as well. While the overall structure is the same, weighted handles will better work your arms and it will require more effort to quickly jump.

Once you have your form down, combine jumping rope with your normal strength training workout as a warm up or enjoy a longer jump for a HIIT workout. If you’re adding it to your strength training workout, jumping for 10 minutes will get your heart pumping and is an amazing way to start your day. One of my favorite ways is either to jump to a song list or do a simple countdown. If you’re looking to do a longer workout (usually about 20 minutes), jump in place of your normal HIIT workout.

Simple Countdown

If you’re looking to warm up, try the simple countdown. Skip on both feet for 10 skips, then shift to your right foot for 10 skips, and then your left for 10 skips. Go back to both for 9 skips, then shift to your right foot for 9 skips, and then your left foot for 9 skips. Go back to both for 8 and so on until you get to zero.

HIIT Jump Rope Workout

If you’re looking for a HIIT workout, try out one of the many HIIT jump rope workouts on the web. They are quick, pack a punch, and deliver results. Most professional trainers I know recommend adding this once a week to your workout.

If you’re looking for a new jump rope, there are several on Amazon that are great!