Tips & Tricks

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of August 5, 2019

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of August 5, 2019

The first week of August things ramp up in our house. We’re two weeks away from the start of school, summer programs are wrapping up, sports seasons are kicking in, and the dreaded summer homework is done. We’re savoring these final weeks of staying up late, sleeping in, and swimming all day. As always, dinners need to be quick and easy, and focus on the best fruits and veggies of the season.

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of July 29, 2019

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of July 29, 2019

It finally warmed up in the Bay Area and we’re seeing some higher than usual temperatures. So this week I focused my meal plan on simple dinners that leverage seasonal fruits and veggies, and could be cooked on the grill, in the slow cooker, or with minimal stove time.

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of July 1, 2019

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of July 1, 2019

I cannot believe that June is already over and we’re heading into the Fourth of July holiday. Who else feels like June flew by? This week the recipes include both old and new. My kids are creatures of comfort and, truth be told, they’d prefer to have to the same food every week if I’d let them. I am sure some of you mom’s can relate. So this week I’ve included some of their favorites as well as some new recipe’s we’ll be trying this week. All recipes leverage the amazing fruits and vegetables of the season and are quick and easy.

Desserts That Won't Derail Your Progress

Desserts That Won't Derail Your Progress

If you know or have followed me for long, you know I have a serious sweet tooth. And indulging in it all too often does cause me to lose focus and takes me off the rails a bit. So instead of making dessert taboo, I’ve focused that effort on finding sweet treats that are both nutritious and delicious. Here are some of my favorite easy-to-make desserts that everyone will love.

It's Sample Workout Week!

It's Sample Workout Week!

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that this past week I’ve been sharing sample workouts designed to showcase what you can expect as part of the online fitness groups for which I coach. Quick and effective, these workouts are designed to accelerate results to help you achieve your health and fitness goals. Learn more about my program here.

My Personal Weekly Meal Plan: April 15, 2019

My Personal Weekly Meal Plan: April 15, 2019

Ignoring the rain in the forecast today, it finally feels like spring might be here. This past weekend was absolutely stunning and by the end of this week, we’re supposed to be in the 80’s. And when the weather warms up, salads become my go-to for dinner. Today on the blog I’m sharing what I will be eating this week for dinner.