Kimberley Kasper Health, Wellness, Fitness

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Weekly Workout Guide - March 28, 2021

For those new to the blog, welcome! I am thrilled you’re here! I’m a wife, mom to three, work as a chief marketing officer, and love all things health and fitness. I am also a certified FASTer Way to Fat Loss coach but no longer offer the six-week boot camp program or private VIP groups. Instead, I share everything I know to help you on your journey. Whether you’re in a boot camp, VIP, or maintaining on your own, I hope you’ll find valuable information here. If you’re looking to join the FASTer Way, you can do so here.

This week the weather is supposed to be amazing so I’m taking my workout outside. Everything noted below can be done inside or out, with equipment or items you have in your home. For all workouts, I suggest doing four sets of 15 each. And please do take time for a rest day here and there. They are critical and allow your muscles to recover. The workouts below follow the FASTer Way format - HIIT, full-body, arms/shoulders/back/abs, and leg day. You can mix these up provided you marry them with the right nutritional focus each day. I’ve noted the pairings for each below. Enjoy!

Sunday - Active Recovery

I love starting my week with an active recovery day. Pre-pandemic, I would come home from church, spend time with my family, and get a walk in late in the day. Since church attendance is still restricted here, I now watch services online and then head out on a hike. On an active recovery day, you still want to get some light exercise in. Yoga, hiking, a bike ride, anything that gets your body moving. This is a normal, regular macro day for those in the FASTer Way.

Monday - HIIT

Monday we’re doing the Dirty Dozen HIIT workout. After a 5 minute warm-up, you’ll complete 15 reps of each move, rest for 1 minute, and repeat. If you’re doing the FASTer Way, you’ll pair your HIIT workout with a low-carb day (under 50 net carbs).

Tuesday - HIIT

Tuesday’s are my sprint day. Whether you’re in a gym using cardio equipment or at home, you’ll sprint at 100% effort for 20 seconds and then enjoy 40 seconds of a slow recovery pace. Repeat this for 20 minutes. I usually use my Peloton for this however, when it’s nice outside the perfect option is to jump rope. Fun! If you’re doing the FASTer Way, you’ll pair sprints with a low carb day (under 50 net carbs).

Wednesday - Full Body

This is probably my favorite day to workout. After doing cardio for two days, I love picking up the weights and working out. This full-body workout is a favorite of mine from the trainers at Shape Magazine. You’ll do 4 sets of 15 for each move. FASTer Way ladies will pair this workout with a regular macro day.

Thursday - Arms, Shoulders, Back, Abs

Another favorite! Thursday I recommend this 20-minute upper body workout from the trainers at Women’s Health Magazine. These moves will seriously sculpt your upper body in no time! And if you don’t have dumbbells, use what you have! Cans of fruits or veggies. A bag of flour. A gallon of milk. FASTer Way followers will pair this workout with a regular macro day.

Friday - Active Recovery

Friday’s at work tend to be busy, so I try to wake up a little earlier than usual, put on my shoes and go for a quick walk. Whether you walk, run, bike, or do some yoga, try to take some time today to get a little something in. If you’re doing the FASTer Way, Friday is a regular macro day.

Saturday - Legs

Who doesn’t love a good leg day workout! Saturday I will be doing this leg day workout from the CEO of Barry’s Fitness. This is a tough one but will help build muscle while keeping cellulite at bay. FASTer Way folks will marry this with a regular macro day.