Kimberley Kasper Health, Wellness, Fitness

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Weekly Workouts: Week of September 7, 2020

Working out has been a great way for me to focus on something other than work, everything going on in the world, and simply destress. So many of you feel the same way, so I thought I’d share my plan for the week. I follow the same order each week and rest on Sunday and Friday. All workouts can be done at home, with or without weights.

If you follow the FASTer Way, this workout guide maps to the food cycle.

Monday: Tabata HIIT

On Monday I focus on Tabata HIIT workouts combined with a low-carb diet to deplete my glycogen stores and accelerate fat burning. For this workout, you'll do 20 seconds on, rest for 10 seconds, and then move to the next exercise. Do all then start over again and repeat for a total of four circuits.

Tuesday: Cardio Tabata Workout

On Tuesday I focus on Cardio Tabata workouts and again combine this with a low-carb diet. This workout works your heart and lungs - make sure you have water nearby. For this workout, you'll do 20 seconds on, rest for 10 seconds, and then start over again. Once you’ve done four, you’ll rest for one minute. Then you’ll start the next exercise with 20 seconds on, rest for 10 seconds, and do it again three more times. In all, you’ll do each exercise 4 times following the 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off, with one minute of rest before moving to the next move.

Wednesday: Full-Body Workout

After two full days of low carb, I’m always excited for Wednesday. I could never do KETO - I love my veggie and fruit carbs way too much! On Wednesday I always do a full-body workout. Do four sets of 12 each before moving on and finish up with 15 minutes of low-intensity cardio. The whole thing will take about 45 minutes - get in, get done, and get on with your day!

Thursday: Arms, Back, Shoulders, and Abs

It's the second most important workout of the week - back, arms, shoulders, and abs! Here is my sample workout that targets those areas. I am terrified of arm wiggle and these exercises keep that at bay. Do three sets of 12 each and wrap it up with some mountain climbers and planks. Build those strong arms and core!

Friday - Rest

Rest. If you're wanting to lose fat, your body NEEDS to rest. If you aren't prioritizing quality rest and sleep to allow your body to recover, you simply won't lose fat. And it really is as simple as that.

On Friday’s I will do some pilates or yoga (lots of free classes online), hike, or do a 5-mile walk. Anything to keep moving.

Saturday - Legs

It’s the MOST important workout day of the week - leg day! For this sample workout, do four reps of 12 for each move and then wrap it up with either 15 minutes of low-intensity cardio (think brisk walk) or some finishers like planks and jump squats (1 minute of each).