If you’ve been on Instagram lately, you’ve seen the Fab Four Smoothie (#Fab4Smoothie). And for good reason. Developed by Kelly Leveque, this smoothie is the perfect formula to help balance your blood sugar with enough protein, fat, and fiber to keep you full. It also supports your immune system to cleanse regularly, stay regular, avoid blood sugar spikes, and increase insulin sensitivity.
The basic formula for a Fab Four Smoothie is one serving of protein + one serving of fiber + unlimited greens + 2 tablespoons of fat + liquid + superfoods. You an add 1/4 cup of fructose if needed but I generally pass on this.
If you are a Faster Way client, this is the perfect way to break your fast, even on a low carb day. Just make sure you have that healthy fiber to offset any carbs you might add via fructose.
Fab 4 Smoothie Formula
Protein: I use a clean sprouted vegetarian protein in vanilla but also love using chocolate.
Fiber: You can use fiber powder, chia seeds, flax seeds, or avocado. Adding avocado will also increase your healthy fats and makes this smoothie a big creamier. I was worried about adding an avocado but didn’t notice it added any flavor.
Greens: I am allergic to lettuce, so I use spinach or kale. But you could also use cucumber, fennel, parsley, basil, cilantro, anything green! I love spinach because it has no flavor so if I’m using chocolate protein and peanut butter as my fat, I don’t have an odd taste throwing it off like you might get from romaine or cilantro.
Fat: I use either an avocado or nut butter but you could also use coconut oil, MCT oil, walnuts or ghee at room temperature.
Liquid: I use either almond milk or coconut water but you could also use water, cashew milk, flax milk, hemp milk, or cold pressed green juice. You want to watch for any added fructose so I use Simply Almond Almond Milk as there isn’t anything additional in the milk.
Superfoods: There are so many options here. I use chia seeds but you could use greens powder, collagen, turmeric, cocoa nibs, ginger, sunflower seeds, or coconut flakes. A lot of these can cause a glucose spike (cocoa nibs/coconut flakes) and change the nutritional benefit of this smoothie, so I tend to stick to chia seeds or collagen.
If you need fruit in your smoothie, you can add bananas, berries, lemons, limes, beets or carrots. These may cause an insulin spike though so I very rarely add these to my smoothie. If you do add these, keep it to 1/4 cup.
My Personal Favorite
1 serving protein powder (1 scoop per my protein powder instructions)
2 tablespoons chia seeds
2 tablespoons nut butter (I use almond butter)
1 cup almond milk
2 cups spinach
Add almond milk, protein powder, chia seeds and nut butter to your blender. Mix well.
Add your greens. Mix well.
Add ice and blend to your desired consistency.