
What's For Dinner Mom? Week of August 5, 2019

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of August 5, 2019

The first week of August things ramp up in our house. We’re two weeks away from the start of school, summer programs are wrapping up, sports seasons are kicking in, and the dreaded summer homework is done. We’re savoring these final weeks of staying up late, sleeping in, and swimming all day. As always, dinners need to be quick and easy, and focus on the best fruits and veggies of the season.

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of July 29, 2019

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of July 29, 2019

It finally warmed up in the Bay Area and we’re seeing some higher than usual temperatures. So this week I focused my meal plan on simple dinners that leverage seasonal fruits and veggies, and could be cooked on the grill, in the slow cooker, or with minimal stove time.

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of July 22, 2019

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of July 22, 2019

We’re in the homestretch! I cannot believe we’re in the final week of July. It seems like summer just started but here we are, thinking about back-to-school and starting those pesky summer homework assignments. This week my meal plan focuses on the fresh fruits and vegetables of summer, and includes a healthier version of one of my favorite comfort foods.

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of July 15, 2019

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of July 15, 2019

Summer is here and the weather is warm and when it’s warm, I don’t want to cook. That’s why this week I have salads on the menu every night. From salmon and kale to a vegan chickpea caesar and a strawberry quinoa salad with pistachios, this week’s meal plan features in-season fruit and produce.

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of July 8, 2019

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of July 8, 2019

After weeks of traveling and vacation, this is the first full week I will be in the office. While we’ll be down a child (off at camp), my husband is busy at work as well and dinners to be as simple as possible. This week’s meal plan includes shrimp, a different take on taco Tuesday, my favorite farro salad, a twist on pizza, and the perfect summer Saturday dinner.

What's For Dinner Mom? Fourth of July Edition

What's For Dinner Mom? Fourth of July Edition

The Fourth of July has always been one of my favorite holidays. No gift pressure. No family drama. Just a day to enjoy those you love celebrating the birth of our nation. And what would the Fourth of July be without an incredible meal? Today I’m sharing what we’ll be enjoying at our house this year.

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of July 1, 2019

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of July 1, 2019

I cannot believe that June is already over and we’re heading into the Fourth of July holiday. Who else feels like June flew by? This week the recipes include both old and new. My kids are creatures of comfort and, truth be told, they’d prefer to have to the same food every week if I’d let them. I am sure some of you mom’s can relate. So this week I’ve included some of their favorites as well as some new recipe’s we’ll be trying this week. All recipes leverage the amazing fruits and vegetables of the season and are quick and easy.

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of June 23, 2019

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of June 23, 2019

After a long, cold winter and spring, I eagerly anticipated the start of summer — long days, warm temperatures, and the best fruit and vegetables of the year. That’s why this week’s meal plan is loaded with summer fruits and veggies, and dinners that can be grilled or made inside (whatever works best for you).

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of June 17, 2019

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of June 17, 2019

Summer is here! And with the warm weather who wants to spend time in the kitchen? Not me! So this week you’ll find easy summer dishes that will have you in and out of the kitchen in no time flat.

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of June 9, 2019

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of June 9, 2019

This week my meal plan is full of newer recipes that are perfect for summer meals. A one pan chicken dinner, grilled salmon, and a summer salad. Ribs, a new take on pizza, and the perfect summer tacos.