
What's For Dinner Mom? Week of April 5, 2020

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of April 5, 2020

Like the rest of the US, we’re staying put this month and paying attention to the Stay at Home order our county and governor have put in place. I’m not venturing out to the grocery store so meals this week use pantry staples or I substitute ingredients for what I have.

What's For Dinner Mom? Pantry Staples Edition

What's For Dinner Mom? Pantry Staples Edition

If you’re like me, you aren’t venturing outside often and that includes going to the grocery store. As a result, I am making meals from the ingredients I have in my pantry and/or freezer. That’s why this week’s meal plan focuses on ingredients you most likely already have.

Vegetarian Chili Recipe

Vegetarian Chili Recipe

When life gets crazy, I crave comfort food. I want something warm, yummy, and satisfying as if it will bring calm to my day. And this vegetarian chili does the trick. This is a simple recipe that delivers big in the chili category. It has a bold taste and uses ingredients you likely already have in your pantry.

What's For Dinner Mom? Soup Edition

What's For Dinner Mom? Soup Edition

When it’s cold and wet outside, there is nothing better than an amazing bowl of soup to warm your soul. Add in the viruses we can’t seem to get away from (hello flu and COVAD-19), there really isn’t a better time to enjoy a warm bowl of soup than right now. That’s why this week I’ve decided to forgo my weekly “this is what I’ll be eating” and instead I’m sharing different soup recipes for all lifestyles and flavor profiles.

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of March 1, 2020

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of March 1, 2020

I’ve been spending some time trying to understand how my body reacts to different foods and because my glucose levels have been slightly elevated, I’m trying a healthier carb diet this week to see how my body responds.

Healthier Lemon Blueberry Pound Cake

Healthier Lemon Blueberry Pound Cake

My family loves a good pound cake but they are loaded with fat and sugar, so I limit how often I either make or have them in the house. My kids love to have a piece at night or grab one as they are heading out the door in the morning so I’ve been on the hunt for a healthier version. And I’ve found it!

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of February 16, 2020

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of February 16, 2020

The weather is spring-like here in Northern California so this week I’m focusing on lighter than usual recipes leveraging some great spring flavors. This week you’ll find a little bit of everything, from greek chicken to crispy chipotle tacos and stuffed shells - something for everyone.

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of February 9, 2020

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of February 9, 2020

If you’ve followed me for long, you know I’m a pescatarian. No meat, limited dairy, and the occasional fish. I tend to eat a lot of fruits and veggies, grains, and nuts. So this week I wanted to share what a week without meat would look like. So here are some of my favorite vegetarian recipes.

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of August 19, 2019

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of August 19, 2019

Tomorrow both kids start school and life becomes a bit more chaotic while we all settle into our new schedules. With both kids at the same school this year, and my daughter driving, our mornings just got a bit easier. Our afternoons? Not so much. With the start of school comes the start of fall sports and extracurriculars. So from football to soccer to theater and more, we’ll all be working through the new schedule and working out when/how homework gets done and what time we’ll have dinner (we eat dinner as a family every night). So with that in mind, dinner this week is incredibly easy. Nothing fancy. Nothing requiring significant prep, shopping, or new cooking methods. Because when life is busy, the last thing you need is a stressful dinner.

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of August 12, 2019

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of August 12, 2019

It’s the last week of summer vacation in our house and the kids are already gearing up for another great year. Two-a-day football practices, wrapping up that summer reading, math, and history, and getting those backpacks ready while enjoying time with friends is what this week is all about. Dinners this week are super simple, tried and true, crowd pleasers. So whether, like us, you’re expecting a few extra people for dinner as the kids soak up the final days or it’s a more intimate group, these recipes won’t steer you wrong.