
3 Tips for Better Sleep

3 Tips for Better Sleep

Are you tired of tossing and turning, desperately trying to catch some much-needed shut-eye? Well, you're not alone. I've been there, battling the sleepless nights and dragging myself through groggy mornings. But fear not, because today I want to share with you three tried-and-true tips that have helped me conquer the elusive land of dreams.

Introducing my Friday Favs

Introducing my Friday Favs

Welcome to my new weekly feature, Friday Favs. Each week I will be sharing key products, services, places, or causes that are near and dear to my heart. Each week I will focus on my favorites across wellness, lifestyle, workout, travel, and reading. Check out my favorites this week!

Weekly Workout Guide - April 26, 2021

Weekly Workout Guide - April 26, 2021

This week I’m sharing the workouts that I will be doing for the month of May. Every week I will be doing the same general workouts, designed to burn fat and build lean muscle. Since I’m not a trainer by profession, I’m sharing workouts that have been developed by others and are guaranteed to produce results. Join me!

Why I Start My Day with Lemon Cayenne Water

Why I Start My Day with Lemon Cayenne Water

For a number of reasons, I don’t drink caffeine and miss having my cup of coffee as part of my morning ritual. Decaf tea and coffee are ok but I don’t love them so I’ve started drinking warm lemon cayenne water as a replacement. With anti-fungal, immune boosting, and detoxification properties, lemon cayenne water is a powerhouse drink and a great way to start your day.

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of August 19, 2019

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of August 19, 2019

Tomorrow both kids start school and life becomes a bit more chaotic while we all settle into our new schedules. With both kids at the same school this year, and my daughter driving, our mornings just got a bit easier. Our afternoons? Not so much. With the start of school comes the start of fall sports and extracurriculars. So from football to soccer to theater and more, we’ll all be working through the new schedule and working out when/how homework gets done and what time we’ll have dinner (we eat dinner as a family every night). So with that in mind, dinner this week is incredibly easy. Nothing fancy. Nothing requiring significant prep, shopping, or new cooking methods. Because when life is busy, the last thing you need is a stressful dinner.