Starbucks Dupe: Chia Seed Pudding

Starbucks Dupe: Chia Seed Pudding

Chia seed pudding is one of my favorite ways to break my fast so I was excited to see it in the refrigerator section of my local Starbucks pre-SIP. While I normally would take my lunch to work, sometimes in the craziness of getting two teens and myself out the door, I forget. Between meetings, I would run downstairs to Starbucks and quickly grab something to hold me over until dinner. And their pre-made chia seed pudding is perfect. Creamy, lightly sweet, with fresh coconut and strawberries. Yum. So I set out to make it at home.

Workout Wednesday! Full Body Workout

Workout Wednesday! Full Body Workout

So many of you have done my Sample Workout Week exercises and asked for more, so starting today I’ll be posting a weekly workout. Today’s workout focuses on the whole body, with extended time spent on legs, back, and arms.

Homemade Kombucha

Homemade Kombucha

While some made sourdough and others made banana bread, during our Shelter-In-Place I decided to try my hand at making kombucha. Kombucha is one of my favorite drinks, supports gut health, and if you purchase it at the store, it can be fairly expensive ($5 or more per bottle). So since I had nothing but time, I decided to give it a try. And wow, I am so happy I did.

Family Favorite: Slow Cooker Pulled Pork Sliders

Family Favorite: Slow Cooker Pulled Pork Sliders

One of our favorite meals is slow cooker pulled pork sliders. So much so, that we make this at least once every two weeks or so. I’ve also been known to throw this together for large group gatherings, family get-togethers, and anytime I’m on the hook for a main at a potluck. I guarantee you have all of the ingredients in your cupboard and this recipe is absolutely foolproof!

Quarantine Cocktails

Quarantine Cocktails

If you’re like everyone I know, you’ve been enjoying a few more cocktails while you’ve been SIP than normal. With that in mind, I thought I’d share some pantry staple cocktails for your weekend (or heck, anytime during the week). My Skinny Spicy Margarita remains a favorite, but here are some others that I will be enjoying this week.

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of April 5, 2020

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of April 5, 2020

Like the rest of the US, we’re staying put this month and paying attention to the Stay at Home order our county and governor have put in place. I’m not venturing out to the grocery store so meals this week use pantry staples or I substitute ingredients for what I have.

What's For Dinner Mom? Pantry Staples Edition

What's For Dinner Mom? Pantry Staples Edition

If you’re like me, you aren’t venturing outside often and that includes going to the grocery store. As a result, I am making meals from the ingredients I have in my pantry and/or freezer. That’s why this week’s meal plan focuses on ingredients you most likely already have.

Vegetarian Chili Recipe

Vegetarian Chili Recipe

When life gets crazy, I crave comfort food. I want something warm, yummy, and satisfying as if it will bring calm to my day. And this vegetarian chili does the trick. This is a simple recipe that delivers big in the chili category. It has a bold taste and uses ingredients you likely already have in your pantry.

What's For Dinner Mom? Soup Edition

What's For Dinner Mom? Soup Edition

When it’s cold and wet outside, there is nothing better than an amazing bowl of soup to warm your soul. Add in the viruses we can’t seem to get away from (hello flu and COVAD-19), there really isn’t a better time to enjoy a warm bowl of soup than right now. That’s why this week I’ve decided to forgo my weekly “this is what I’ll be eating” and instead I’m sharing different soup recipes for all lifestyles and flavor profiles.