July 2021 Book Club

July 2021 Book Club

I love a good book. I love a strong story where I feel connected with the characters and intrigued by the story. That’s why I generally stick with fiction reads but every now and then a business book or non-fiction creep in. My goal is to read two books each month and to wrap up this year having read at least twenty-five books. Aggressive goal? Maybe - but I’m committed to it!

What's for Dinner Mom: Fourth of July Edition

What's for Dinner Mom: Fourth of July Edition

Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays. One of the most celebrated days in America, the Fourth celebrates the signing of the Declaration of Independence. And after the last 18 months we’ve all had, I think this year the celebrations will be bigger. Today I’m sharing my favorite recipes for a family and friends get-together. What’s on your menu?

The Best Healthier "Potato" Salad (KETO, Dairy Free)

The Best Healthier "Potato" Salad (KETO, Dairy Free)

When summer rolls around and nights are filled with dinner fresh from the BBQ, nothing compliments it quite like a potato salad. The coolness of the salad against the tang of the BBQ is just perfection. But all too often potato salads are loaded with unhealthy fats and heavy carbs, making potato salad something I’m not able to indulge in as often as I’d like. That is until I tried this healthier “potato” salad.

I Tried ProLon and Here's Why You Should To

I Tried ProLon and Here's Why You Should To

I’ve picked up some bad food habits this year and finally reached a point where the things I normally would do to reset weren’t working. I’d do great one day and then go back to bad habits the next. This yo-yo was constant and I began to feel off. Headaches and side pain were frequent, and I felt like I was in a mental fog a little more often than I’d like.

Introducing my Friday Favs

Introducing my Friday Favs

Welcome to my new weekly feature, Friday Favs. Each week I will be sharing key products, services, places, or causes that are near and dear to my heart. Each week I will focus on my favorites across wellness, lifestyle, workout, travel, and reading. Check out my favorites this week!

Three Ways to Break Your Fast

Three Ways to Break Your Fast

Are you an intermittent faster? If so, how you break your fast is as important as the fasting process itself. Today I’m sharing why and my three favorite ways to break my fast.

Weekly Workout Guide - April 26, 2021

Weekly Workout Guide - April 26, 2021

This week I’m sharing the workouts that I will be doing for the month of May. Every week I will be doing the same general workouts, designed to burn fat and build lean muscle. Since I’m not a trainer by profession, I’m sharing workouts that have been developed by others and are guaranteed to produce results. Join me!

My Favorite Workout Equipment

My Favorite Workout Equipment

Home workout equipment can be hit and miss so today I thought I’d share my top picks. These are the pieces I go to without fail and know they will help deliver the results I’m looking to achieve.

Weekly Workout Guide - March 28, 2021

Weekly Workout Guide - March 28, 2021

This week the weather is supposed to be amazing so I’m taking my workout outside. Everything noted below can be done inside or out, with equipment or items you have in your home. All workouts follow the FASTer Way format - HIIT, full-body, arms/shoulders/back/abs, and leg day. Enjoy!

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of January 17, 2021

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of January 17, 2021

This week’s menu is simple and focuses on the amazing flavors of winter. Yummy vegetables, a fantastic soup, and a comforting pasta dish make this weeks’ plan shine. And with the exception of the Bolognese ragu, everything is made in 30 minutes or less.