Best Egg Alternatives & How to Use Them

Best Egg Alternatives & How to Use Them

When I found out I was allergic to eggs I thought I’d never be able to eat another baked good. It was a sad, sad day. But thankfully, I was wrong. There are so many different egg substitutes for baking so whether you’re allergic, vegetarian, or avoiding eggs for any other reason, you’ll enjoy baked goods and the substitutes are so good, that you’ll never know they’re missing.

Cherry Berry Smoothie

Cherry Berry Smoothie

I love a good smoothie. And provided they are loaded with good-for-you ingredients, they are the perfect way to start your day. Today I’m sharing one of my favorites, the Cherry Berry Smoothie.

Workout Wednesday: Pilates

Workout Wednesday: Pilates

Have you taken a pilates class yet? Pilates is one of my favorite ways in which to work out. Done either at home or in a studio, it’s the perfect option for those looking to tone and strengthen their core while also focusing on improving their flexibility. It’s low-impact and is the perfect option for new mommas, those recovering from injuries, and anyone looking to tone and build strength.

What's for Dinner Mom: Slow Cooker Edition

What's for Dinner Mom: Slow Cooker Edition

Between school, work, and after-school commitments, finding time to make a healthy dinner can be a challenge. If you’re like me, there are days where you feel like you are running from work to school, to practice, and back all before dinner. On days like that, having some go-to slow cooker recipes becomes a saving grace. So today I’m sharing five go-to slow cooker recipes your family will love.

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of August 29, 2021

What's For Dinner Mom? Week of August 29, 2021

Can you believe August is coming to a close? With only a few summer weeks remaining, my meal plan for this week takes advantage of all the summer fruit and vegetables. This week the menu includes grilled flank steak, salmon baked in foil, greek salad, falafel waffles, and more!

Cardio Boost: Jump Rope

Cardio Boost: Jump Rope

If you’re looking to take your cardio workouts to the next level, try incorporating jump rope. Seriously, you question. Yes. A recent study found that skipping rope for only 10 minutes was comparable to jogging for 30 and that it’s one of the most effective forms of cardio around. Skipping rope requires you to engage your core, use both your leg and arm muscles, and gives you an incredible full body workout with heart healthy benefits.

What's For Dinner Mom: Week of August 22, 2021

What's For Dinner Mom: Week of August 22, 2021

Welcome to the new week! This week you’ll find quick, healthy recipes that leverage pantry staples and fresh, in season fruits and veggies. Recipes include Spinach Stuffed Chicken Breasts, Linguine with Lemon and Tomatoes, and an Heirloom Tomato Goat Cheese Salad. Yum!

Fab4 Smoothie Recipe: Cookies & Cream

Fab4 Smoothie Recipe: Cookies & Cream

Ah, the Fab4 Smoothie…the perfect blend of protein, fiber, greens, and fat to support blood sugar balance, improve digestion, and decrease cravings. The Fab4 smoothie is the best way to break your fast and because the basic recipe is so simple, there are millions of different possible variations to suit every like. This is one of my favorites, the cookies & cream.

My Favorite YouTube Workouts

My Favorite YouTube Workouts

I need a little variety in my life. That means doing the same workouts day in and day out (at different intensities) just doesn’t cut it. I get bored. So to keep me engaged and coming back for more, I like to find new workouts. And YouTube is the perfect place to find them. Today I’m sharing my top three YouTube workouts.

What's For Dinner Mom: Week of August 15, 2021

What's For Dinner Mom: Week of August 15, 2021

After a brief hiatus, my popular “What’s for Dinner Mom” series is back. As the kids head back (or off) to school and summer starts to wind down, many of us are looking for a bit of structure around mealtime and that means knowing what you’ll be having before the day begins. Weekly I like to share what we’ll be making for dinner in our house. Recipes are fresh, healthy, simple, to the point, and and don’t take serious prep work because let’s face it, none of us have the time.